Vessel Inspection and Re-Certification

AES performs inspections, re-rating and re-certification of vessels in accordance with API 510 requirements. We prepare detailed inspection documentation, findings, recommendations, analyses, reports and drawings.
We have established and administered vessel inspection and re-certification programs in accordance with NB-23 requirements for National Board Owner User Programs.

- Qualified API 510 Vessel Inspection personnel on staff to perform periodic inspections of operating vessels and pressure systems, re-certification and re-rating of existing vessels
- Inspection of vessels in accordance with ASME and API codes and standards to ensure compliance with state and local jurisdictions
- Technical advice on repairs and alterations to meet code requirements
- Prepare detailed inspection documentation, reports and drawings
- Experience with establishing and administering National Board Owner User Programs
- Perform searches for vessel historical information to include original drawings, U1-A Forms and fabrication data
- Recommend and arrange for third party non-destructive examinations (NDE) to include UT, MT, PT, acoustic emission testing, radiography, phased array and other NDE techniques
- Design ASME Section VIII Division 1 and Division 2 Pressure Vessels; see details